Thursday, December 3, 2009

I have read ';The Secret'; by Rhonda Byrne and would like to know how you apply the secret in your life.?

I am curious on practical applications of thisI have read ';The Secret'; by Rhonda Byrne and would like to know how you apply the secret in your life.?
I really enjoyed the first half of that book and then the second half I found to be a bit much. I think that if you consciously try to live your life with positive thoughts and talking positively to people that the same energy will come back to you. If negative thoughts come to you, as they do everyone, then divert your thinking to something else. It is a process that requires daily reminders to do. It is so easy to fall into the trap of negativity. It is still an ongoing process in my life.

Do universities award scholarships for those wishing to attend law school and if so how do you apply for them?

I am scheduled to graduate next fall with a degree in Business Management and a minor in Political Science. I have a 3.8GPA with an LSAT score of 174.

Do colleges award scholarships to those wanting to attend their law school programs (my top three choices are Michigan, Harvard, and Yale)? If so what are my chances of receiving one and what should I do to go about applying for one?Do universities award scholarships for those wishing to attend law school and if so how do you apply for them?
Congrats. You have a really great GPA and LSAT score. I don't believe there are any of those scohlarships. Try talking to your pre-law advisor.Do universities award scholarships for those wishing to attend law school and if so how do you apply for them?
Just to add. I am a law student myself and have never heard of these scholarships. You can apply to regular scholarships though. Sorry I couldn't help further. Report Abuse

Do you know ways on how to apply ';conservation of mass'; in our daily lives?

our prof is making us do this report about our experiment on conservation of mass. do you know any activities/ways/applications wherein the concept of conserving mass is used in our day to day activities..(like a social issue, environmental issue..etc.) ex. experiment on icecream making: featuring ';selecta';/';magnolia';... %26lt;--- something like that... tnx!Do you know ways on how to apply ';conservation of mass'; in our daily lives?
Water may be frozen, melted or turned to steam with zero change in mass. Ordinary chemical reactions result in no change in mass (only nuclear reactions change mass). Burning gasoline (in a car) combines oxygen with hydrocarbons to form CO, CO2, and H20 vapor (ignoring NOx's) and the weight (mass) of the gasoline and oxygen exactly equals the weight of the products of combustion. Eating and metabolizing ice cream does not result in a net change in mass (although a person's weight may change because he does not exercise enough to produce sufficient CO2 and metabolic water).

I want to apply for a job. How can i make an application letter?

How can i write an application letter for applying a job?I want to apply for a job. How can i make an application letter?
you're sending a ';letter of interest';. normally, a resume is required. if you're infinitely qualified (you probably are not or you would not be asking this question) you just send your resume along with salary requirements.

a resume has ONLY one function. that is to reject people!! so, a letter of interest is a good way to apply if you're not really qualified for the position.

now, having said that it should contain these points:

1. the position your interested in

2. the reason you think (NEVER say feel always think- feel means emotion think means thought) you are not only qualified for this postition, but would excel.

3. do your research before your letter-know as much about the company as you can find out (this could include internet searches and the library). you may not get to first base, but if you do you need to show you have done your homework-if you did this much work just to apply then what would you do if you actually worked for them.

4. follow up with a phone call-or really better-show up in person and ask for the person your letter is addressed to (yeah-you need to have found out who would do the interview (depending on the size of the company-you will go through anywhere from one to four interviews) I even applied for a job once where they required a hand written one page letter explaining the reason they should choose me-in addition to my resume-they sent the handwritten pages to hand writing analysis, but that was an international company, and they are sorta weird by our standards.I want to apply for a job. How can i make an application letter?
Usually, anytime I've ever seen this requirement has the ';letter'; portion be a paragraph explanation of why you would be best for the job.

Have you asked about the application process for your desired job? Is there no application to fill out? They might have some requirements of your app. letter, so visit your desired job location and ask on how to apply!

Secondly, if you physically visit them to ask, you get valuable face-time with potential bosses and a chance to make a good impression:)

(or at least call them)

How many colleges to apply to?

I'm thinking of applying to 8 colleges...does that sound like a good amount of schools to apply to? How many colleges to apply to?
Ya, if you want to have a torturous time deciding which one to go to when all 8 accept you.

Rule of thumb:

Apply to 1 ';reach'; school. A school that will take some work to get into but that you are willing to work for.

Apply to 1 ';given'; school. A school you are basically guaranteed admittance to just in case, like a state school or a local university.

Apply to 1 ';perfect fit'; school. This is the school that you think would be the best fit for you for whatever reason (such as major, proximity to home, dorm living, etc)

After you apply to those, you can add 1 or 2 more if you undecided on which school would be your ';prefect fit'; school, or if you reach school is your perfect fit school.

Overall, I think 4-5 schools it the limit. There is nothing stopping you from applying to 8, but you are only going to go to 1 so why waste the application fees on 2-3 schools you know you won't go to.

Don't apply to schools just because your dad went there, or because your friends are going there, or because you want to see if you can be accepted. I applied to MIT because my dad is alumni and I wanted to see if I can get in, and I wanted to be able to brag about getting into a top school. I had no intention of ever going there. Those are not good reasons to apply to schools.

Only apply to schools you are passionate about, REALLY want to go to, and that have programs you love. If that is 8 schools, then so be it. Just note that $40 average application fee x 8 schools is $320.

Also, applications usually ask what other schools you are applying to. If you are applying to 8 schools, that will look like you don't care or are totally confused.How many colleges to apply to?
8 is pretty typical now. Everyone has an easy time choosing reach schools but safety schools are trickier. You need ones you can both definitely get into and definitely afford.

If you're aiming for top schools I'd apply to 3 reaches, these schools can be pretty random in who they accept. Then I'd have 3 match schools, ones you have at least a 50/50 chance at given recent years admissions. Then 2 safeties, with 1 being one you could afford with the worst possible financial package,
It will depend on your GPA . If you are going to pursue your undergraduate degree , I think it's fine , but if you are going for your masters I think you need2 or three more.

It also depends on the admission rates of each college and their admission requirements.
I wouldn't apply to more than 6. Make sure that you REALLY want to go to the schools. Don't just apply because you think you'll get in or that you want to compare financiall aid. I'd say minimum of 4 and a maximum of 6.
I think you should leave it to 4 or 5. 8 is too much and the application fee differs from each school. Some schools are $80 to apply so think about schools you really want to go to. Good Luck!
Research will tell you to apply to no more than 4. Anymore than that and Admission Officers feel you really have no interest in their school.

How does genetic drift apply to FOUNDERS EFFECT, and BOTTLENECK effect?

In the Founder Effect, a small group of organisms from the original population become isolated and begin a new population. Since there are very few of them, there will be a lot of inbreeding and thus the spectrum of genotypes will be different from and much more homogeneous than the original population. Genetic drift has thus occurred. An example is in certain populations of Amish people and at Lake ____________ in South America where Nancy Wexler has studied the high occurrence of Huntington's Disease.

In the Bottleneck Effect, most of the original population gets killed off, leaving only a few to repopulate the area. For the same reasons as above, the new population will exhibit genetic drift. An example of this is in the cheetah in Africa. Most of them were killed off by hunters, so that all cheetahs are now very closely related genetically. One of the consequences is that a large percent of cheetahs born in the wild do not survive due to multiple genetic defects.
  • mortgage rate
  • How or where to apply for make-up artist jobs in retail?

    I'm looking for any other places outside of Estee Lauder's companies careers. Such as No.7, Max factor, Dior, Chanel, Yves Saint Laurent

    , Givenchy, Clarins countersetct.

    I'm open to any suggestions from beauty or make-up artist professionals.

    ThanksHow or where to apply for make-up artist jobs in retail?
    just go up to the counter with your CV and ask for the manager, either hand it in or send it off to the address %26amp; name they give you..How or where to apply for make-up artist jobs in retail?
    Department stores found in the local mall such as macy's and lord %26amp; taylor tend to sell those products and need beauty advisors or make-up artists. I believe that they do work on commission or that commission is part of how they make their salary.

    For general career info: and can search 'barbers, cosmetologists and other personal appearance workers' or such. If deciding to get formal training, please forgo those private $$ schools and instead opt for the county vo-tech school (or community college) as long as it's accredited within the industry.