Monday, November 30, 2009

How to save a fish from drowning? How can you apply this question in real life? Cite a good example.?

Uhh...Throw it back in the water. I never knew fish to drown in water, but a fish out of water would be the opposite to drowning in water, but instead breathing air. There's nothing filtering threw their gills. This would be a drowning affect sorta speak for a fish.How to save a fish from drowning? How can you apply this question in real life? Cite a good example.?
a fish can drown if it is injured and can't swim

for this use one of the nets that you'd use to seperate baby fish from others, it helps hold the fish up while healing

also if it is pulled backwards its gills will be overflowed with water

don't pull on its tail making it go backwards(little kids tend to do this)How to save a fish from drowning? How can you apply this question in real life? Cite a good example.?
How to save a fish from drowning? Modify your perception. First, realize that fish need water to survive, which means that the situation is not as you percieve it. The fish is not drowning and by realizing that you have saved its life. (your rescue would have killed it) Real life application: making people your pet projects. The movie 'Clueless'. The main character took it upon herself to 'save' the poor 'fish' from drowning socially. It wasn't neccessary. The fish was happy in her own 'water'.
I havent heard that saying before but i'll have a crack at it!

-No one is perfect, even at something your supposed to be great at, u never know when u might slip up.

Eg-Doctor causing a death rather then saving one.

This is probably way off the mark but i gave it a go;-)
drain all the water out. it will still die know....
example that just popped in my head:

ok. so the water is the fishs' environment. but just because thats what it grew up in does that make it ok?

for example.

lets say, lil sally grew up in a home where her dad sexually abused her. if she grew up thinking it was ok, does that make it ok to her?!

(does that even make sense? it made sense in my head. lol)

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